Community Talks

The community talk series at FFCF is a ~30 minute presentation that takes place at the farm for the regular gardeners/volunteers. The talk series invites organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area to come present on topics that they specialize in and provide value to the volunteers of FFCF.
We serve over 100 regularly participating families in the community who come from all backgrounds and ages. Most of our regular gardeners are senior Chinese immigrant women and our volunteers come from youth and professional groups. We are looking for organizations who can prepare a presentation to speak on issues or spread information that is important to the community. We would expect around 30 volunteers to attend this presentation.
Our Goal: Host one presentation a month at the farm to enrich the knowledge of the volunteers while giving FFCF more exposure in the SF organization community and provide the volunteers with information that is directly relevant to their lives or of interest to them while making FFCF’s community talk series well-known to the point that other organizations are reaching out to FFCF to present.
If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to reach out and please fill out this google form and we will be in contact with you! We would also require Cantonese translations for the presentation but we can possibly provide a translator ourselves as well. We look forward to hearing back from you! Click below for previous presenters!